Our Profile

Kalanjiam.com is a non-profit venture which delivers information on almost all topics, in lucid style, in Tamil. The site is entirely made in Tamil. The aim is to provide information & developments in all the subjects to the large Tamil speaking public (about 630 million) in their natural way.

It is always easier to grasp things in their local language, for anybody. While Tamil is one of the ancient language that survived the vagaries of time, it is still widely spoken making it the 18th largest spoken language in the world. But because of it's ancient origins, the purest form of Tamil is also the hardest even for native Tamilians.

Current Form of Tamil:

The currently spoken form is more permissive, has a lot of English & other words wherever it is much simpler to convey the message, than sticking to pure Tamil. The written (usually the books) form and the style of tamil spoken in Podiums were still adamantly old (ofcourse, more pure) form of Tamil. But in the process, it makes the general people more alienated. They are put off by such hard stances, not without a sense of guilty.

The Style we adopt:

Kalanjiam.com consciously goes for more liberal usage of terms from other languages (mostly English). The point is to let the people grasp the info with minimum effort. Whenever some simpler (original) tamil term floats up, it is readily used/replaced.